APPrO Membership
Association of Power Producers of Ontario
APPrO membership opens the door to a wide variety of benefits and services designed to amplify the voice of generators, co-ordinate initiatives to advance the industry, and disseminate valuable information in many forms.
APPrO is a non-profit organization representing generators operating in the province of Ontario, and a variety of organizations and individuals concerned with generation. APPrO has more than 100 members including developers, suppliers and consultants to power enterprises, both public and private, with an emphasis on implementing responsible and sustainable energy systems in Canada and around the world.
APPrO offers extensive resources of many types to assist business, government, utilities, and scientific researchers acquire useful information pertaining to economic and sustainable energy systems. See the APPrO Mission Statement for more information on our mission, and the related information on our Vision.
Quick Links:
APPrO membership brochure
APPrO membership fees (PDF and HTML)
APPrO Membership application form
APPrO publishes magazines, fact sheets, financial/technical bulletins, industry directories, technical handbooks, educational materials, conference proceedings and a variety of online information services.
APPrO’s annual Canadian Power Conference has become the leading annual event in the generation industry in Canada. APPrO is also proud to have sponsored some of the largest Canadian conferences to date focusing on the full range of issues of concern to the power industry. For further information, including summaries and proceedings of previous conferences, see our publications area, and further information below, or access our conference website at where you can view conference-related information going back to 2005.
Educational Materials and Networked Resources
APPrO can make available large amounts of its publication and research data, via online channels on request.
Intervention in Public Consultations and Hearings
APPrO is active in a wide range of stakeholdering processes and regulatory proceedings. The organization played a major role in OEB (Ontario Energy Board) hearings into the IESO’s market rule amendment affecting ramp rates, and in a series of proceedings related to the Natural Gas Electricity Interface Review at the OEB and natural gas tolls at the National Energy Board. APPrO's predecessor IPPSO was one of the major intervenors at Ontario Environmental Assessment Board hearings, Ontario Energy Board hearings and various national and international stakeholder processes, related to Ontario Hydro successor companies, energy, electric utilities and related matters. See our page on recent advocacy initiatives for a list of current projects.
Campaigns and Educational Programs
APPrO has organized or supported campaigns and educational programs on the design of market rules, natural gas services, renewable portfolio standards, approval requirements, electricity rate structures, environmental externalities, procurement mechanisms, climate change, competitive bidding, Aboriginal energy concerns, and many other matters.
APPrO Database
APPrO maintains an extensive internal database of suppliers, buyers, developers, financiers, marketers, consultants and environmental interests related to sustainable energy technology in Canada. Members of APPrO may request information through specific searches, although privacy requirements and other factors frequently place limits on the dissemination of such information. Or try our online directory at
For queries or suggestions, please forward to:
APPrO: Box 756, Toronto, Ontario, M5C 2K1
(416) 322-6549 fax 416-481-5785 e-mail:
Last update: February 14, 2022